Assisted living communities for people with and without dementia

Assisted living communities are an attractive solution in cases where you or your loved one can no longer stay in your own home, but a nursing home is out of the question.

The daily routine is shaped by the residents and their relatives or caregivers themselves. Residents actively participate in cooking and shopping. At the same time, an outpatient nursing service looks after the assisted-living communities so that good care is guaranteed. We will gladly advise you on what to look for in order to find a suitable residential community in Berlin.

Two men are laughing together.
© Nathan Anderson

Benefits of community living for people with dementia 

Dementia patients benefit from community living. The private room with familiar furniture and a dedicated specialist care team provide a feeling of safety. Many senior-citizen-assisted living communities are uniquely adapted to the needs of people with dementia: they offer good lighting, for instance, and large clocks with Arabic numerals.

Financing senior-citizen-assisted living communities

The cost of living in a nursing home community consists of rental costs, household allowance and the services provided by the nursing team. They can be covered by the contributions of the nursing care insurance and your own income or savings. If necessary, the social welfare office provides additional support and assistance for care.

3 – The Challenge of Dementia

Dementia is the generic term for illnesses that are accompanied by a loss of mental functions such as thinking, remembering, orientation and making links between the content of different thoughts. It is a disturbance of the brain’s ability to function....

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29 – Residential communities for people with (and without) dementia

Externally assisted residential communities provide an alternative to persons in need of care, in particular those suffering from dementia. Residential communities are not nursing homes or residential facilities. Rather, the residents live together as tenants in a separate, shared apartment....

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29a – Check list living environment for individuals with dementia

This checklist gives examples of how flats can be adjusted to the requirements of individuals with dementia. The living environment/flat should be adjusted to the personal abilities of the individual with dementia taking into account spatial conditions. The changes should...

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30 – Check listflat sharing communities for individuals with dementia

This check list intends to help you selecting a flat sharing community (WG) for individuals with dementia. It helps you to clarify, what is important to you. Carefully consider what you can and want to contribute, but also what the...

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38 – The scope of application of WBVG

The Residential and Care Contract Law (WBVG) is a consumer protection law and regulates contracts between traders and consumers of legal age, where the letting of residential  property is  linked  to  the  payment  or offer of  nursing or care  services....

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