Get early protection with a health care proxy, a healthcare directive or a living will
Who makes decisions for me when I can no longer do so myself? Addressing this question early on is very important to many people in need of care and their relatives.
Without powers of attorney and dispositions, the District Court must appoint a guardian in emergency cases. Nevertheless, many people still avoid preparing a health care proxy, healthcare directive or living will: the terms sound similar, and there is a veritable mountain of forms to be filled out. So naturally, they usually just accumulate dust. We are happy to inform and assist you with these questions as well.

Health care proxy and advance healthcare directive: similar content with different legal requirements
A health care proxy allows you to authorise a trusted person to act on your behalf. You can also define which aspects of life the person can handle for you, for example, your finances and health care needs. An advance healthcare directive is used to name one or more persons who can be appointed as caregivers by the guardianship court in case of emergency. You can also specify whom you do not wish to take care of you under any circumstances.
A living will determines how health care is provided
In a living will, you can decide which medical interventions you want in an emergency and which you do not want. This is very useful, because many medical decisions can be very stressful for relatives later.
24 – Health Care Proxy – Power of Attorney for Care – Patient Decree
An accident, a stroke, surgery or other events can affect anyone unexpectedly and lead to situations in which one cannot be responsible to act and make decisions. In these cases, family members can decide only with a power of attorney....
Read more Fact sheet no. 24 (72 KB)25 – Legal Guardianship
A legal guardian should be considered when an adult is temporarily or permanently no longer able to take care of all or some of their personal affairs due to a mental illness or a mental, emotional or physical impairment. Initially,...
Read more Fact sheet no. 25 (74 KB)