
Pflegestützpunkt Tempelhof-Schöneberg

Eingangsbereich Pflegestützpunkt Spreestraße mit türkiser Tür in gelbem Haus

Location & organisation

Ground level accesses, Retail store

Point of contact

Mrs. Bauer
Mrs. Grabinger
Mrs. Krause-Köhler
Mrs. Magnus
Mrs. Rausch


Qualified gerontologist
Qualified social worker / Qualified social educationalist


State of Berlin and the Berlin health and nursing care insurance companies


U-Bhf Ullsteinstraße (U6)
Bus: 170, 184, 246
S-Bahn Attilastraße (S2)

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Projects & cooperations

  • Speaker and Member of Gerontopsychiatrisch-Geriatrischen Verbund Tempelhof (GGV)
  • Board member of GGV Schöneberg
  • Appointed member of the District Psychiatry Council
  • Social neighbourhood walks for senior citizens
  • Demenzfreundliche Kommune
  • Project housing guides together with Kontaktstelle PflegeEngagement